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Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Serving God through the reconnection of Relationships



Growing up in a big family with four sisters, we were close-knit, yet I wasn't particularly close to my siblings. I always kept a safe space for myself and God. Unlike my siblings, my interests and preferences were different, leading me to pursue further studies away from home after secondary school. This journey taught me independence and problem-solving skills, guiding me through life in the city and the challenges of being alone. Consequently, I drifted apart from my family over time, especially after our parents passed away.

Despite the growing distance, we made efforts to maintain connections through occasional calls, visits, and family trips. Our yearly family get-together sparked excitement but also tension, sometimes resulting in tears due to pride and our sinful natures. After spending 24 years away from home, I've realized I could easily live far from my family. However, this isn't what truly matters. Deep down, I feel a gentle push to prioritise caring for and loving my family, despite the challenges.

As I was preparing for my Sabbatical year, I knew for sure that my main mission was to be sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and obey God's call. When I was planning my itinerary, I felt prompted to visit one of my sisters for an extended period. Although I didn't understand the reason behind it, I obediently booked a 6-week trip to Switzerland. Despite feeling anxious about overstaying my welcome or conflicts arising, each time I turned to God, He reassured me and gave me peace.

Upon my arrival, I could sense the relief and joy my sister felt with my presence. Cooking has always been a passion of mine, so I take away her daily stress by cooking early in the morning before leaving for work, as my nephews and brother-in-law come home for lunch every day. This experience reinforced my belief that God had called me to serve within my family, offering support and respite during my stay. Embracing this calling without hesitation has been a beautiful journey of reconnection and rediscovery. Spending time with my nephews and immersing myself in the tranquil Swiss countryside have fulfilled a long-held desire too. God is so good. As He calls, He also cares about my heart's desires. 

Through this experience, I have come to appreciate the beauty of obedient faith and the joy of rebuilding relationships. My heart overflows with gratitude and praises to the Lord for guiding me on this path. Now, I am excited to see how God will lead me in the coming weeks and months. 




Heavenly Father,

We come before You with humble hearts, grateful for the chance to serve You through reconnecting and rebuilding relationships. Help us to fully surrender ourselves to Your will and follow guidance of the Holy Spirit, even when it may be difficult or unclear to us. We pray that in doing so, we may bring glory to Your name.

As we strive to show love, forgiveness, and kindness towards our family and friends, may we remember the ultimate sacrifice of Your Son on the cross for us. May this reminder of Your great love for us fill our hearts with gratitude and motivate us to extend that same love to others.

We also pray for any broken relationships in our lives, that You would heal them and bring reconciliation. Give us the wisdom and strength to mend what is broken, and to let go of pride and selfishness.

Thank you, Lord, for Your grace and mercy that allows us to experience the joy of reconnecting with loved ones. All glory and praise unto Your name. 

In Your Son's precious name we pray, Amen