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Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Why Daily Meditation on God's Word Is Important



1. It Helps Us Grow Spiritually:

Meditating on God's word allows us to connect with Him and His truth in a deeper way. As we spend time reflecting on His teachings, our faith and understanding of who He is grow stronger.


2. It Renews Our Minds:

In Romans 12:2, we are instructed to not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Daily meditation on God's word helps us do just that – it renews our minds and transforms our thoughts, aligning them with God's will.


3. It Brings Peace:

In today's fast-paced and chaotic world, it is easy to get overwhelmed and anxious. However, when we take time to meditate on God's word, we are reminded of His promises and find peace in the midst of any storm.


4. It Guides Our Actions:

Meditating on God's word not only helps us grow spiritually, but it also guides our actions. As we internalise His teachings, they become a compass for our daily decisions and actions, leading us to live a life that pleases Him.

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How to Meditate on God's Word

Daily meditation on God's word is a powerful tool that can transform our minds, hearts, and actions. By setting aside time each day to focus on His teachings, we can grow spiritually and live a life that honours Him

How to Meditate on God's Word

1. Set Aside Time:

The key to effective meditation is consistency. Choose a specific time each day when you can dedicate your focus solely to meditating on God's word.


2. Find a Quiet Place:

It is important to eliminate distractions during meditation. Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can fully engage with the Word of God.


3. Read a Passage:

Choose a passage from the Bible that resonates with you or one that you feel God is leading you to explore. Read it slowly, taking time to digest each word and reflect on its meaning.


4. Ask questions:

As you read, ask yourself questions like:

"What is God saying to me through this passage?"


"How can I apply this to my life?"

This will help you go deeper in your understanding and personalisation of the Word.


Another helpful approach is to use the framework of God, Man, Christ, and Response. This involves reflecting on each aspect in relation to the passage you are meditating on. Ask yourself questions such as:

"What does this passage reveal about God?"


"How does this apply to me as a human being?"


"What does Jesus teach us through this passage?" 


"How should I respond to this truth in my daily life?"


5. Journal Your Insights:

Writing down your thoughts and insights can help solidify them in your mind and serve as a reference for later reflection. It also allows you to track your growth and see how God is speaking to you through His word.


6. Pray:

End your meditation with prayer, thanking God for His word and asking Him to help you apply it in your life. This will also deepen your connection with God and strengthen your faith.

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My thoughts on leaving Singapore

My thoughts on leaving Singapore

For the past few years, I have been toying with the thought of leaving Singapore, the place where I call home for over the last two decades. So much has happened in the past 20 years.

I have met some really good friends, and I have also grown so much wiser from the many poor decisions I made in life. More importantly, these past experiences led me to taste the grace of God and to know Him as a God of love. Therefore, the greatest reward for me living here has been knowing and growing in Christ. This growth has been greatly contributed by Redemption Hill Church, a church that is centrally focused on the gospel and growing in Christ.

As my relationship with Christ deepens, I increasingly crave for a quieter and slower-paced life. Somewhere I can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and dwell in the calm and quiet of nature; somewhere I can reflect and draw near to God in peace.

Whilst deciding if a radical transition is necessary, I am practicing living a quieter life right here within this bustling environment until the opportunity arises for me to depart. I have minimised my possessions and decluttered my life, as part of the process to get myself ready for leaving this city. I am also making sure that I take time out from the day-to-day hustle to bond with nature and connect with God through the Bible and in prayer. This has been helping me tremendously in recent times.

Despite this, there is an urge inside of me to move away from cities altogether and live a simpler life; one that is focused on growing closer to Christ and connecting deeply with God’s creation, which at times feels overwhelming when living right in the middle of it all. But then again, I am still not certain if this is what I want or need at this stage. So for now, until God shows me His way, I am content to continue living in the city and striving for life changes without leaving it.

However, one thing that is clear is that Holy Spirit will guide me on this journey and help me find the right path meant for me. And I know that wherever I may go, God's grace will follow me and lead me to where He wants me to be.

The thought of a quieter life has been brewing inside of me for quite some time now, but with doubts and questions still lingering, this remains just a thought until a further revelation from God comes forth. Until then, I will strive to live well in the here and now; loving those around me as Christ loves us all. In Him, I live and move. He is my hope, even when the unknown calls.


By ST Lee



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Beach Holiday makes simple


In the midst of this pandemic, I've been dreaming of a budget-friendly yet enjoyable beach getaway that promises nothing but quality experiences without draining my savings. For people in Singapore looking for a quick escape, there are nearby islands that allow you to have a memorable one-day beach trip!

To make the most out of your beach getaway, here is my list of recommendations for you, where I've thoughtfully curated items that provide great value and quality at an affordable price. These products are sure to last for many years!

Even better, all of these items can conveniently fit into one backpack!


- Swimsuit and cover up with UV protection

- Sunscreen

- Beach towels

- Flip flops or sandals

- A good book or magazine

- Sunglasses, wide brimmed hat and/or beach umbrella to protect from the sun

- Snacks and beverages - including water bottles/ coffee tumblr

- Portable speaker or headphones

- Beach bag

- Small cooler for picnic lunch

- Camera to capture memories

- Beach games such as Frisbee, bocce ball, volleyball or beach paddle ball set.

- Plastic bags for wet clothes and a trash bag to keep the beach clean

- Insect repellant 

- Extra cash or change for snacks

- Ziploc bags to keep items dry and sand free

- An old t-shirt for drying off after a swim! 


by Shu-Ting Lee

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How 5 simple tools helped me get started on my fitness journey

How 5 simple tools helped me get started on my fitness journey


When the pandemic lockdown neared Singapore in March 2020, I determined to firm up my body and emerge post-lockdown looking healthier than ever. Such was the ideal time for me to get back into shape! To reach this goal, I invested in some essential exercise equipment that would better help me accomplish what I desired in terms of getting my body to break a sweat as well as building up my stamina. One great way for me to not only get fit but also find an escape from the apartment was running—it's easy and inexpensive too!


As I embraced running as my primary form of exercise at that time, I started researching the essential tools that would be necessary for me to reach my fitness goals. Here are some of the tools that are indispensable for me on my fitness journey:



1. Running Shoes:

A good pair of running shoes is essential for any workout regimen. Look for breathable materials and a comfortable fit that will keep your feet supported and secure. I personally root for Adidas Ultra Boost because they provide great cushioning and are lightweight, so they won't weigh you down during a run. Uncovering the right type of exercise and shoes to fit your individual needs takes planning. To ensure optimal support for your gait, a professional shoe fitting is essential. Knowing what you want ahead of time will make this process easier and help you get started on the path to success!



2. Foam roller:

Foam rolling is a great way to increase flexibility and decrease muscle soreness and joint tightness. The best foam rollers for runners come with extra firmness, so you can get deep into the muscles without causing unnecessary pain or discomfort. Take your stretching routine to the next level by exploring how runners at the top use foam rollers! With a quick search on Youtube, you can get started today and start feeling the benefits. After incorporating this stretching routine into my daily running regimen, the difference it made was clear - I noticed an immediate change in my performance. It's been a total game-changer!




3. Heart rate monitor:

As a novice runner, I wanted to ensure my heart was healthy and fit for the task. To track progress in my workout routine, as well as monitor my cardiovascular health, I opted for a reliable heart rate monitor. Not only does it help me keep tabs on how much exertion I'm putting into each session with accurate data tracking - but also gives me peace of mind knowing that any potential warning signs will be flagged before they become an issue.


4. Water bottle:

Hydrating regularly is key to maintaining optimal performance and well-being. When I'm out and about, especially when I'm out for a run, you can guarantee that a water bottle will always be in my grasp! Don't let your hydration be a hindrance while you exercise - get an ergonomically designed water bottle that fits comfortably in your hand as you run.

Try our eco-friendly and 100% BPA-free water bottle that comes with a compartment to store your cash and key when you go for your run. This product is highly favoured by fitness lovers. 

sports water bottle



5. Running outfit :

The outfit is just as important as the equipment. If you're serious about running, invest in clothing that will keep your body cool and comfortable during the run. Look for moisture-wicking fabric that will draw sweat away from the skin, so you can stay focused on your performance. I love wearing compression tights to ensure optimal muscle support and stay in style with a fashionable sports bra. Click here to explore more fitness outfit and running gears to help you start your running journey. 

Fitness outfit



With these must-have fitness products, you’ll have everything you need to get fit and feel great! Shop My Fitness Essentials now to get started on your fitness journey.


By ST Lee

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What is ice contour and how does it improve your complexion? Discover its secrets here!

What is ice contour and how does it improve your complexion? Discover its secrets here!

Facial ice contouring is a technique used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin tone and texture, reduce puffiness, minimise the appearance of pores and give the face an overall more youthful look. It can also be used to help firm and tighten loose or sagging skin as well as smooth out any uneven areas. The process involves applying ice directly to the face for around 10-15 minutes. This helps to reduce inflammation, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles and other skin imperfections. Additionally, facial ice contouring encourages increased collagen production which leads to firmer, more elastic skin.


One study found that using facial ice contouring three times a week resulted in “significant improvement in skin texture, wrinkles and sagginess” after 12 weeks (Tsukamoto et al., 2019). Another study showed that using facial ice contouring for up to 10 minutes a day for four weeks resulted in “significant increases in skin tightening and elasticity” (Wong et al., 2018). Not only does facial ice contouring help improve skin appearance, but it is also a safe and cost-effective alternative to expensive injectables or plastic surgery.


Silicone Ice Contour is an incredibly popular Instagram viral product that helps people contour their faces with ice. When it comes to incorporating ice contouring into your beauty routine, there are many benefits that you can enjoy. First off, it is an easy and affordable way to keep your skin looking young and healthy. Just taking a few minutes out of your day can make all the difference in improving your overall appearance. By freezing ice cubes and massaging them into the areas you want to target, you will be able to help reduce inflammation and puffiness under the eyes as well as achieve a smoother complexion. 


Check out our online store now to discover the food-grade silicone ice contour mould! Its ergonomic design allows for effortless handling of the ice, ensuring that you achieve amazing results with your ice contouring. Furthermore, it enhances your skin routine even more by adding drops of essential oils, rose water or green tea into each cube when making them and nourishes your complexion like never before!

Not only is ice contouring great for improving the appearance of your face, but it can also help to reduce stress levels. The cool temperature and massage-like movements help to relax the muscles in your face and reduce tension. This can leave you feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated.


Overall, facial ice contouring is an excellent treatment option for anyone looking to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin tone and texture, reduce puffiness and minimise the appearance of pores. It can be done at home, is cost effective and has few risks of side effects.Whether you are looking for an affordable way to improve your skin or just want to relax and de-stress.


Give it a try today!


Benefits of facial Ice contouring:


1. Enhances Skin Appearance – Contouring with ice helps improve the appearance of your skin by reducing redness, inflammation, and puffiness.


2. Promotes Collagen Production – Ice helps stimulate collagen production for firmer, more youthful-looking skin.


3. Reduces Wrinkles – Contouring with ice helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by tightening skin and closing pores.


4. Refreshes Skin – Ice can help refresh skin by cooling it down and removing excess dirt or oil, making skin look and feel invigorated.


5. Enhances Makeup – Contouring with ice can help makeup look more natural, as it helps blend makeup evenly and reduce oiliness of the face.


6. Relaxes Muscles – Ice helps relax facial muscles, making them less tight and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


7. Boosts Circulation – Ice helps to improve blood circulation in the face, resulting in a brighter, healthier complexion


Contouring with ice is a simple but effective way to enhance your appearance and give your skin that extra boost of hydration and radiance. The silicone Ice Contour is a great tool to have on hand for contouring your face with ice, as it helps make the process easier and more convenient. Try it for yourself today to see just how beneficial this method of face contouring can be!



Tsukamoto, K., Ito, M., Ogawa, S., Sugimoto, Y., Tanioka, H. (2019). Evaluation of skin condition after facial ice massage using a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 44(2), 192–197. https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.13826


Wong, M., Williams-Liou, P., Liou, J. (2018). The effect of facial cryotheraphy on skin elasticity: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 17(5), 1138–1143. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.12605


By ST 

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Kick off the holiday season with a bang by following these 7 tips!

Kick off the holiday season with a bang by following these 7 tips!


1. Have a festive night out

Take some quality time to enjoy your loved ones this holiday season. Whether you dress up in costumes, plan a themed dinner party or simply spend the night together, remind each other why you're grateful for one another and what makes them so special.


2. Bring a smile to someone's face with a gift of appreciation

Performing an act of kindness, no matter how big or small can go a long way in making someone's day. So why not brighten up somebody's day by giving them a heartfelt gift or surprise them with a random act of kindness?



3. Go outdoors and enjoy the nature

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season by going outside and embracing nature. Whether you go for a hike, take a scenic drive or just lounge in the sun, reconnecting with nature can do wonders for your mental health and wellbeing.

 The giftable company


4. Decorate your home

Spruce up your place with some string lights and seasonal decor to get everyone into the holiday spirit!



5. Reach out to people

During this festive season, make an effort to reach out to those old friends that you haven’t spoken to in a while. It will be a great way to catch up and reconnect. 


 6. Pamper yourself

Take a few hours to relax and enjoy some “me-time”. Get a massage, a pedicure, go for a swim, or just curl up with your favourite book and have a cup of tea—whatever it is that helps you unwind!



7. Make New Year’s resolutions

Reflect on the past year and think of ways to improve in the upcoming one. Brainstorm ideas for resolutions and plan out how you’ll make them happen.


These are just a few ideas to help make this December great. Make sure you take the time during the holidays to care for others, while also making sure to get your well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Have a wonderful holiday season!


By ST Lee



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5 wardrobe staples that will make you look tres chic without breaking the bank

5 wardrobe staples that will make you look tres chic without breaking the bank

Making fashion statements doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. In fact, there are five essential items that can help you stand out without breaking the bank. Here they are:


1. A statement bag

This could be a handbag, backpack, purse, or even a clutch - the options are endless! Choose one that will make a bold statement but won't empty your wallet in the process. Check out this beautiful leather handbag here. It is not only fashionable but will also easily fit all of your daily essentials.


2. Unique shoes: No matter the season, there's always something special about an eye-catching pair of shoes. Whether you go for classic loafers with bright embroidery or sporty kicks with wild colors, it's sure to make heads turn as you walk by


3. Bold earrings

Earrings are an easy way to transform any outfit from ordinary to extraordinary. Go for something unique, like a pair of oversized hoops or bright statement pieces


4. A signature scarf

In the winter months, scarves provide extra warmth and style - it’s a win-win! Choose one with vibrant colours and interesting patterns for a chic look that won't go unnoticed


5. A timeless watch

Nothing makes an outfit look more polished than a quality timepiece. Whether you opt for something classic or funky, it'll be sure to make a lasting impression


So don't break the bank trying to stay trendy - these five items will help you stand out in all the right ways. With a little creativity, you’ll be able to craft a signature look that will never go out of style.


Happy styling!


By ST Lee

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Mindful Shopping

Mindful Shopping

It is essential to be aware of our motives for every purchase we make. I always ask myself these questions before buying something: will this improve my life or make it easier in some way? If the answer is no, then chances are I shouldn't buy it. For example, if I am buying something for entertainment purposes, I will think about how much time the item can bring me and whether it is worth the money. If it doesn’t seem to offer any value to my life, then I usually don’t bother with it. This strategy helps save me a lot of money and time.


Additionally, I always check reviews from other people who have purchased the same item before making my purchase. This helps to get an honest evaluation of the quality of the product, so that I can make sure that I am getting something that is worth my money. Furthermore, when shopping online, I always compare prices of the item on different websites to ensure that I am getting the best deal.


Overall, by being mindful of what I am buying and researching a bit more before making my purchase, I have been able to save money while still finding products that make my life easier or better in some way. Developing this habit has been a great way for me to practice better money management.


Lastly, I always remind myself that it’s not about how much I spend, but rather what I get from the product or service. If something isn’t going to bring value to my life in some shape or form, then no matter how much it costs, it’s probably not worth investing in. By making sure I get value for my money, I can invest more wisely and make smarter purchasing decisions that will benefit me in the long run.


Finally, make sure to set spending limits for yourself and stick to them. It's important to remember that no matter what you buy, the amount of money spent should reflect the value it will bring to your life. Learning how to differentiate between wants and needs can help you save money in the long run and make better purchasing decisions.


By following these simple steps, I have been able to become an informed and more responsible consumer who is aware of his spending choices and how they can impact my life. I hope these tips have been useful for you and will help you in making better financial decisions while shopping.


At our store, we aim to promote mindful shopping - only purchase gifts that would truly be appreciated and used by the recipients. We also have a no-return policy to ensure that all products purchased are of high quality and value. We hope you find the perfect gift for your loved ones here and thank you for shopping with us!

Happy Spending!


By ST Lee

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The Fuss about Black Friday Sales

The Fuss about Black Friday Sales

Black Friday is an annual shopping event that occurs the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. It is a day when retailers offer massive discounts on items to shoppers, both online and in stores. On Black Friday, shoppers can take advantage of exclusive deals that are not available at other times of the year. This makes it one of the most popular shopping days of the year, with people lining up early in the morning at stores to get the best deals.

Some of the most common items to go on sale during Black Friday are electronics, clothing and accessories, toys, furniture and appliances. Shoppers can also find great deals on jewelry, home goods and seasonal decor.

Oftentimes, shoppers end up spending more money on unnecessary items. However, if you take advantage of deals and plan your purchases ahead of time, you can save a lot of money on things that you really need. Overall, Black Friday is an excellent opportunity for shoppers to get big discounts on some of their favorite items. With the right planning and research, it can be an enjoyable experience as well!

If you're looking for high-quality and practical gifts for your friends, family, or colleagues, our storewide 30% sale [SAVE30] is the perfect opportunity to shop. Our online store carefully curates only the best products that are sure to be useful and productive. So take advantage of this amazing deal while it lasts!


Here are some of our customers' favourites from our store:

1. Genuine Leather Crossbody Bucket Handbag


2. Leather belt that brings your daily style to a higher level


3. Light and easy silicone case for make up brush


4. Natural Bamboo Fibre Exfoliating Glove

Natural Bamboo Fibre GloveNatural Bamboo Fibre GloveNatural Bamboo Fibre glove


5. Mulberry Silk Pillowcase

      mulberry silk pillowcase


6. Genuine Leather Laptop Sleeve for Macbook

genuine leather sleeve for macbookgenuine leather sleeve for macbook air M2


7. Velvet and soft Collar, Bowtie, Harness and Leash for your puppy

puppy leash, collar and bowtie set


8. Montessori Multiplication Wooden Board Game

         Multiplication Wodden Board GameMultiplication Wooden Board Game



9. Mulberry Silk Scrunhies

        silk scrunhie


10. Darlington Ladies Handphone Purse



Happy shopping!



By ST Lee


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My damaged hair experience and tips on how I have always been keeping my hair soft and nourished.

My damaged hair experience and tips on how I have always been keeping my hair soft and nourished.

My damaged hair experience.

I have always had fine, straight hair that is very soft. Since it gets greasy easily, I rarely put any products in my hair. My hair is so fine and flat that there is nothing I can do to change it, such as perming or styling it with chemicals. Over time, I learned to accept my hair for what it was and stopped wishing for something different.

Recently, I had the chance to visit Phuket. One night as I wandered along Bang Tao Beach, I came across some Thai ladies there were braiding tourists' hair and having fun. Out of curiosity, decided to join in on their adventure by getting my own hair braided too! It took 5 women an hour to braid my mid-length hair - but it was definitely worth it in the end.


My cousin was excited to see my new hair when I returned to Singapore, and she convinced me to keep the curls from the braids by putting her perming solutions in my hair. After much persuasion, I finally caved and let her put the solutions on my hair. About 30 minutes later, I washed away the 2 solutions and slowly removed the braids. It was a very painful process that took me about 2 hours. By the end of it, half of my hair felt like it had fallen out!

The next day, I was horrified to see my once-healthy hair replaced by a dry, brittle mess. Desperate to salvage my locks, I scoured the internet for different hair products like deep conditioners, masks, and oils.

I stopped blow-drying my hair as the heat would only damage it further. I switched from shampooing every day to every other day, to avoid drying out my hair even more. I started deep conditioning my hair once every other week to restore the moisture and nourishment that was lost from the perming solutions.

I went to a specialist hair salon at Ion, Orchard but was advised to continue to deep condition my hair for a few more weeks before my hair would benefit from any hair treatment. Thankfully I am not too worried or broken by this unfortunate experience. I can grow my hair out again. I am sure after months of religiously sticking to this routine, my hair will look better and healthier than before!

I definitely learned some lessons from this experience.

No matter how tempted you are to try out something new, always look into the aftercare first and think twice before acting. The beauty industry is a huge one and there are plenty of options for us to explore. But at the end of the day, it is still our responsibility to ensure that we know what we are getting ourselves into before making any decisions.

Lastly, be kind to your hair, always give it the nourishment and love it needs. Hair is like a plant, you must take care of it in order for it to grow strong and beautiful! As long as we understand our haircare routine and stick to them, healthy hair will follow

I hope my story will inspire others to make better and wiser decisions when it comes to hair care. Let's all take care of our hair!

Thank you for reading my story. Hopefully, this serves as a reminder to think twice before making any decisions regarding your hair, and always be kind and gentle to our locks!


Some tips on how I have always kept my hair soft and nourished:

  1. Using a silk pillowcase helps to reduce split ends and breakage, as it is less abrasive than cotton. You can get silk pillowcase from here
  2. I make sure I condition my hair every time I shampoo it.
  3. Avoid heat.
  4. I make sure I'm eating a healthy diet with lots of greens. Green vegetables are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which help keep your hair hydrated and nourished.
  5. Apply oils to your hair if you have dry or frizzy hair.
  6. Oils like jojoba, coconut, or almond are great for hydrating the scalp and strands. (I only apply hair oils after I went for a swim or when my hair feels particularly dry).
  7. Washing my hair with cold or lukewarm water helps to maintain the natural oils on my scalp, making it softer and more nourished.
  8. Comb my hair gently.
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Why Is Fast Fashion Bad For Us

Why Is Fast Fashion Bad For Us


The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. The way our clothes are produced, transported, and disposed of has a huge environmental impact. The growth of fast fashion has made this problem even worse. Fast fashion is a term used to describe clothing that is designed to be worn for a short time and then discarded. This throw-away culture has contributed to a massive increase in textile waste.

In the UK alone, we throw away 300,000 tonnes of clothes every year. Most of this ends up in landfill, where it emits methane – a powerful greenhouse gas.But it’s not just the disposal of clothes that’s problematic. The way they’re produced is also damaging to the environment.

The fashion industry is one of the biggest users of water. It takes around 2,700 litres of water to produce just one cotton shirt. And with the global demand for clothing increasing all the time, this is having a huge impact on water supplies.The textile industry is also a major polluter of air and water. The chemicals used in growing crops and dying fabrics are toxic and can cause serious environmental damage.


So what can we do about this problem?


One way to reduce the impact of fast fashion is to buy fewer clothes. Instead of buying something new every week, try to make your clothes last longer. Buy higher-quality items that you’ll keep for years, rather than cheap items that will fall apart after a few wears. This way, we'll save money in the long run and we'll be doing our bit to reduce the amount of clothes that end up in the landfill.

You can also look for clothes made from sustainable materials, such as organic cotton or bamboo. These materials have a lower environmental impact than conventional fabrics like polyester and nylon.

Finally, make sure you dispose of your clothes responsibly. Donate them to charity shops or recycling centres, or sell them online. And if you really can’t wear them anymore, make sure you put them in the rubbish bin – not in the street or countryside where they’ll end up polluting the environment.

By making a few small changes to the way we shop, we can help reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion. Let’s all try to be more conscious consumers and make sustainability the new normal.

In our store, we strive to play a small role to help cultivate a greener environment by sourcing for good quality products that are useful, practical, and last a long time. We also want to promote sustainable living and reduce textile waste. Come visit us and shop sustainably! 



By ST Lee

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