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Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


My thoughts on leaving Singapore

My thoughts on leaving Singapore

For the past few years, I have been toying with the thought of leaving Singapore, the place where I call home for over the last two decades. So much has happened in the past 20 years.

I have met some really good friends, and I have also grown so much wiser from the many poor decisions I made in life. More importantly, these past experiences led me to taste the grace of God and to know Him as a God of love. Therefore, the greatest reward for me living here has been knowing and growing in Christ. This growth has been greatly contributed by Redemption Hill Church, a church that is centrally focused on the gospel and growing in Christ.

As my relationship with Christ deepens, I increasingly crave for a quieter and slower-paced life. Somewhere I can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and dwell in the calm and quiet of nature; somewhere I can reflect and draw near to God in peace.

Whilst deciding if a radical transition is necessary, I am practicing living a quieter life right here within this bustling environment until the opportunity arises for me to depart. I have minimised my possessions and decluttered my life, as part of the process to get myself ready for leaving this city. I am also making sure that I take time out from the day-to-day hustle to bond with nature and connect with God through the Bible and in prayer. This has been helping me tremendously in recent times.

Despite this, there is an urge inside of me to move away from cities altogether and live a simpler life; one that is focused on growing closer to Christ and connecting deeply with God’s creation, which at times feels overwhelming when living right in the middle of it all. But then again, I am still not certain if this is what I want or need at this stage. So for now, until God shows me His way, I am content to continue living in the city and striving for life changes without leaving it.

However, one thing that is clear is that Holy Spirit will guide me on this journey and help me find the right path meant for me. And I know that wherever I may go, God's grace will follow me and lead me to where He wants me to be.

The thought of a quieter life has been brewing inside of me for quite some time now, but with doubts and questions still lingering, this remains just a thought until a further revelation from God comes forth. Until then, I will strive to live well in the here and now; loving those around me as Christ loves us all. In Him, I live and move. He is my hope, even when the unknown calls.


By ST Lee



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