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Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


Why Is Fast Fashion Bad For Us

Why Is Fast Fashion Bad For Us


The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. The way our clothes are produced, transported, and disposed of has a huge environmental impact. The growth of fast fashion has made this problem even worse. Fast fashion is a term used to describe clothing that is designed to be worn for a short time and then discarded. This throw-away culture has contributed to a massive increase in textile waste.

In the UK alone, we throw away 300,000 tonnes of clothes every year. Most of this ends up in landfill, where it emits methane – a powerful greenhouse gas.But it’s not just the disposal of clothes that’s problematic. The way they’re produced is also damaging to the environment.

The fashion industry is one of the biggest users of water. It takes around 2,700 litres of water to produce just one cotton shirt. And with the global demand for clothing increasing all the time, this is having a huge impact on water supplies.The textile industry is also a major polluter of air and water. The chemicals used in growing crops and dying fabrics are toxic and can cause serious environmental damage.


So what can we do about this problem?


One way to reduce the impact of fast fashion is to buy fewer clothes. Instead of buying something new every week, try to make your clothes last longer. Buy higher-quality items that you’ll keep for years, rather than cheap items that will fall apart after a few wears. This way, we'll save money in the long run and we'll be doing our bit to reduce the amount of clothes that end up in the landfill.

You can also look for clothes made from sustainable materials, such as organic cotton or bamboo. These materials have a lower environmental impact than conventional fabrics like polyester and nylon.

Finally, make sure you dispose of your clothes responsibly. Donate them to charity shops or recycling centres, or sell them online. And if you really can’t wear them anymore, make sure you put them in the rubbish bin – not in the street or countryside where they’ll end up polluting the environment.

By making a few small changes to the way we shop, we can help reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion. Let’s all try to be more conscious consumers and make sustainability the new normal.

In our store, we strive to play a small role to help cultivate a greener environment by sourcing for good quality products that are useful, practical, and last a long time. We also want to promote sustainable living and reduce textile waste. Come visit us and shop sustainably! 



By ST Lee

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